
안드로이드 sdk 경로문제 해결방법(Unable to list target platforms.Please make sure the android sdk path is correct)

JinFluenza 2017. 3. 17. 20:39


  1.           Same error has today in Eclipse and now in Unity.
    Found great solution from distributor:

    1) just open https://developer.android.com/studio/index.html

    2) scrolldown to the bottom of that page

    3) find Windows "tools_r25.2.3-windows.zip"
    download and unzip it

    4) remove and replace your folder "SDK" + "/tools"

    5) Enjoy!

    6) By "SDK Manager" do upgrade to 25.2.5

    7) Now works all: Eclipse, Android Studio, Unity.
    Enjoy again! 

